Basic crime prevention
3 hours

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You will have 30 days to complete this course before it expires.  If you do not complete the course within the time limited, you will have to pay to take the course again. 

COURSE OBJECTIVES:   This course was designed to introduce our law enforcement community, and anyone interested in learning more about crime prevention and how to safeguard your property, workplace and/or business.  It is our intent to educate individuals on basic crime prevention and ways to target harden your property, work and or business.  Crime Prevention is everyone’s responsibility, it’s a community partnership.  It is important that we stress to everyone that Crime Prevention does NOT stop crime, it is tool designed to aid in the Prevention of Crime due to the fact that many crimes are crimes of opportunity.

In this course we will be covering what Crime Prevention is, the importance of crime prevention, the 10 Principles of Crime Prevention, Four Ds of Crime Prevention, how to secure your home and using automation to manage your security systems.


TARGET AUDIENCE:  Law Enforcement and anyone wanting to know about Crime Prevention and target hardening

PREPARED BY:  Wendy Sheriff & Janice Washington

Course Prerequisites